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Bonn International Toastmasters Great speeches made in Rhineland “According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.” -Jerry Seinfeld […]
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[av_one_half first min_height=” vertical_alignment=” space=” custom_margin=” margin=’0px’ padding=’0px’ border=” border_color=” radius=’0px’ background_color=” src=” background_position=’top left’ background_repeat=’no-repeat’ animation=” mobile_display=” av_uid=’av-7v91np’] [av_textblock size=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” font_color=” color=” id=” custom_class=” av_uid=’av-lqtmd’ admin_preview_bg=”] Datenschutzerklärung 1. Datenschutz auf einen Blick Allgemeine Hinweise Die folgenden Hinweise geben einen einfachen Überblick darüber, was mit Ihren personenbezogenen Daten passiert, wenn Sie unsere […]
Our Team It takes teamwork to run a successful club. Meet our current officers team (2023/24), who is looking forward welcoming you at Bonn International Toastmasters Roland President does his best to balance the diverse ideas and interests within BIT and leads the officer team to keep the club on a good path Stephen Vice […]